
Showing posts from February, 2017

Dispalying Data Table in Lightning

Lightning is revolutionary change in user interface of Salesforce. This post will be explaining how to use Lightning component to display data in table format by querying data from Sobject, how to use SLDS to format table and call server method from component controller. We have 4 code snippets here. 1. DataTable.cmp - Lightning component to display data. 2. DataTableController.js - Client side controller in Javascript. 3. DataTableController - Server side controller in Apex. 4 - Lightning application to where DataTable component will be used. ===================================================================================== 1)  DataTable.cmp <aura:component controller="DataTableController">     <ltng:require styles="{! $Resource.SLDS105 + '/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.css'}"/>     <aura:attribute name="accountList" type="Account[]"/>     <aura:handler name="in