Visualforce Componets
Code reuse is one of the best practice in coding. We reuse code while writing code in Apex by creating functions and calling it wherever required, but how to reuse code when it comes to Visualforce? Well the answer is Visualforce Component . We can create Visualforce Component , pass parameters to it and use it wherever required. Visualforce Component may or may not have a controller. Component Syntax: <apex:component > <apex:attribute name="ComponentAttributeName" type="String" required="true"/> <apex:outputText value="{! ComponentAttributeName }"/> <apex:component > Attribute type can be String, Integer, Boolean, sObject, List or Class Syntax to use Component : <c:componentName ComponentAttributeName="Value"/> Visualforce Component can be used in Visualforce page or other Visualforce Component. Let’s implement an application and use Visualfor...